Enrollment holds steady, rankings impressive for New Mexico Tech

Dec. 19, 2023

A “hidden gem,” a “best value” and several No. 1s for NM’s STEM university in Socorro

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SOCORRO, N.M. (Dec. 19, 2023) —The numbers for enrollment for the start of 2023-24 have been compiled, and they paint an interesting picture about the quality of education at Tech. Total enrollment at New Mexico Tech is up from Fall 2022, by a small margin, from 1,690 to 1,712 for all students, graduate, undergraduate and degree/non-degree seeking, Fall 2023. Last year’s entering first-year class numbered 299, and the cohort for 2023 fell to 222.

The news about Tech’s position in some of the national rankings was excellent.


  • New Mexico Tech is the Best College in New Mexico, according to Niche.com.
  • New Mexico Tech is No. 1 on the New York Times list of small universities when athletics and “party scene” are set at 0% importance in their online search filter.
  • Although there are no traditional athletic programs at Tech, the rugby team are champions in the National Collegiate Rugby Small College 7s and also American Collegiate Rugby D3 15s for 2022.
  • Likewise, the Esports team are champions in both Super Smash Brothers Western Region and League of Legends Nationals. The E-Sports team plays in the NECC Emergents Division.
  • Tech also has the highest percentage of science and engineering baccalaureate students who continue their education and complete a Ph.D. among public institutions, according to the National Science Foundation.
  • As a Hispanic-serving Institution, Tech ranks No. 11 on Niche.com. More than 44% of its
    students are Hispanic, and 55% of the 2023 student body identify as minority.
  • Forbes.com named New Mexico Tech as the only New Mexico school on its “Top Colleges List.” They also ranked NMT as No. 20 in the nation in academic stewardship, and Tech is the only public college in the Top 20 Best STEM schools.
  • Niche.com also ranks Tech at No. 20 for the Best Value College, out of 1,482 schools.
  • CollegeRaptor.com named Tech as New Mexico’s “Hidden Gem” in their list of schools in
    each state.


  • The total number of students is 1,712, 1,112 are degree-seeking undergrads, 453 are graduate students, and 147 are non-degree seeking part-time students.
  • With a faculty size of about 140, NMT has an average student to faculty ratio of 12:1.
  • New undergraduate enrollment is 222, right at 20% of all undergrads. The senior class makes up 35% of all undergrads.
  • Based on previous years, enrollment has been fairly steady. In Fall 2022, total enrollment was 1,690; 2021 was 1,734; and 2020, the beginning of a new academic year in the midst of the pandemic, the enrollment was 1,686.
  • Looking at the numbers a different way, campus life is robust with 860 students living in university housing. Most of Tech’s student body are full-time students and comprise 78% at 1,338. Part-time students enrolled is 376, or 22%.
  • The new first-year students from Fall 2022 were retained at the rate of 76%.
  • New graduate students seeking degrees come in at 106, and returning students are 348, for a total of 454. Nearly 35% of all graduate students are pursuing doctoral degrees.

Overall, New Mexico Tech is a thriving and engaging institution for faculty, students and
researchers. According to Elsevier.com, several of Tech’s faculty are among the top 2% of most
cited scientists. Research and sponsored activity exceed $118 million for FY23, there are
numerous international collaborations and recruitment efforts, and the research centers
affiliated with Tech often receive well-deserved recognition for excellence.

For more information and statistics, visit New Mexico Tech’s Institutional Research division’s
webpage, tuition.congtygulegend.net/academicaffairs/research/studentdata.php.


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