
10月. 25, 2023

Geologists’ association lauds publication that builds scientific foundation for mitigation 努力

Dr. 弗雷德·菲利普斯,安妮·蒂勒里. 内莉亚·邓巴博士. 约翰Metesh

从左起,博士. 弗雷德·菲利普斯,安妮·蒂勒里. Nelia Dunbar和Dr. 约翰•Metesh Montana state geologist and president of the 美国州立地质学家协会 (AASG) at the 美国地质学会 Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 10月. 15. 2023. Metesh presented the report authors from New Mexico with the John C. AASG颁发的弗莱纪念奖.

索科罗,N.M. (10月. 25, 2023) — A landmark report, developed by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral 资源, has received a prestigious national award. 约翰·C. 弗莱 Memorial Award was presented to the Bureau by the 美国地质学会 and the 美国州立地质学家协会 at its mid-year meeting held in Pittsburgh, 宾夕法尼亚州,10月. 15.

这份报告, Bulletin 164 — Climate Change in New Mexico Over the Next 50 Years: Impacts on Water 资源, 收到了约翰C. 弗莱 Memorial Award from the 美国地质学会 (GSA) and the 美国州立地质学家协会 (AASG) at its mid-year meeting held 在美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡举行的GSA年会上. 15, 2023.

Three of the report’s co-authors were on hand to accept the award. Dr. Nelia W. 邓巴, director and state geologist, New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources; Dr. 弗雷德·米. Phillips, emeritus professor of hydrology at ag亚游集团App下载; and Anne C. 蒂勒里,地面系统专家在美国.S. 新墨西哥州水资源地质调查局 阿尔伯克基的科学中心. 这三位代表了该出版物的作者和 contributors, all leading experts in climate and weather science. 除了邓巴和 菲利普斯,该出版物的编辑包括博士. David Gutzler, Kristin Pearthree和 Dr. 保罗·鲍尔. 除了蒂勒里,其他贡献作者还包括. 克雷格•艾伦 Dr. David DuBois, Mike Harvey, Dr. J. 菲利普·金博士. Leslie McFadden和Dr. 布鲁斯 汤姆森.

约翰·C. 弗莱 Award is given each year to a nominated environmental geology publication published in the current year or one of the three preceding calendar years either 由GSA或州地质调查局提供. 该奖项是1989年为纪念而设立的 约翰C. 弗莱, a glacial geologist by training who served as the director of the Kansas Geological Survey (1945-1954), the chief of the Illinois State Geological Survey (1954-1974),以及GSA执行董事(1974-1982)。. 弗莱的工作被考虑 influential in the growth of environmental geology as a field of study.

在他的提名信中. J. 迈克尔·蒂蒙斯,联邦调查局副局长 Geology and Mineral 资源, lauded the publication for its examination of different facets of the state’s water budget, which he said “comprehensively provides critical 每个地区气候影响的数据和分析. 双方的共同努力是令人信服的 结果是显而易见的.”

帕特里克·D. McCarthy, water policy officer with the Santa Fe-based Thornburg Foundation, said in 他的提名信 that  water managers, water users and policymakers need the best available scientific information for planning and management.

“This authoritative and well-edited publication offers information about climate impacts on 水资源 that is well-supported, stark, and challenging – a straightforward approach that was welcomed by New Mexico water users, community leaders, journalists, 保护专业人士也一样。.

John Fleck, professor of practice in water policy and governance at the UNM Department of Economics and writer in residence at the Utton Transboundary Resources Center at the UNM School of Law, praised the exceptional work of the report’s authors and its lasting impact on water resource management and climate change policy in New Mexico.

“This report serves as a prime example of the critical role that scientific boundary work plays in providing a strong foundation for good government policy,” he said in 他的提名信.

The report is available publicly on the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources 网站:  
